Virtual Beer simulator

Virtual Beer simulator

8.64 MB
Requires Android:
2.3 and up
Mar 1, 2019
Latest version:
All versions
Free Download

Install entertainment application on your phone and pretend that you are drinking a real beer. Your phone will be changed into virtual glass, into which you will be able to pour your favorite alcohol. Realistic animation of foam and the effect of releasing bubbles will let you prank your friends easily.

Get the .apk setup package of Virtual Beer simulator 1.5 that is free and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size of this application is 9 MB. According to the antivirus report, the app is safe and secure. This application was originally designed by Just4fun and it is listed among the Entertainment category.

The most recent update of Virtual Beer simulator was released on Mar 1, 2019 and the app was downloaded by over 1M users. This application is created for users aged 14 and older, its average rating is 4.1 on Google Play. There are in-app purchases and advertisements in Virtual Beer simulator.

Samsung and Acer users highly appreciate the app.

As users state, you can find annoying ads among the disadvantages of this application.

Permissions required by Virtual Beer simulator v. 1.5

Commonly used:
  • Save files to external storage


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