ABOUT: mubaraQho. Com is India's only marketplace for events like wedding, birthday parties, meetings, gathering. We help you to make your event hassle free. mubaraQ ho has listed tons of businesses in categories like Venue, Decorators, Caterers, Event Planners, Jewelry, Cloths, DJ's, Photographers, Makeup Artist, Mehandi Designer, Pandit, Printing Press, etc.
Charlies Inc is the developer of mubaraQ ho which relates to the Events category. The tool was downloaded and installed by over 100 users and its most recent stable update was on May 31, 2017. This application was rated 5 on Google Play.
You are able to download the installer of mubaraQ ho 2.0 for free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app requires Android 4.0.3 and above. The download of the app is 100% safe.