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This was a gift and it quit working within 3 days.
Is it waterproof? Can I wear it swimming? Also, how do you access the sleep tracker?
How to get the app to sync and reset time? I couldn’t get the device to sync and then realised my phone was not compatible. Did I let that beat me? No! I tried for hours to get it to sync, I even tried plugging in my headphones when the app kept stating “Plug in audio jack”. The problem was solved when I asked my son who has an iPhone to download the app then we synced successfully and the time reset. Now it works fine. If you are in the same situation, ask a friend or family member to download the app on their phone, press Sync and the time resets.
Wish I had read the reviews before wasting my money. It has charged me, appears to switch on but then does not want to stay on so it is unable to sync. Unless I am doing something wrong, this is useless.