The Ottamooli means Single Medicine Therapy. Ottamooli is found in Ancient Indian Rural area's. At this time mostly remains in Kerala and some other Indian Languages. For example if we have Head Ache, it is a common disease found in our world, it's Ottamooli is "Take a Garlic and Remove its skin and grind it and mix with water and paste it on our.
Recommended Tips is the developer of the app which can be found in the Health & Fitness category. Malayalam Ottamoolikal was downloaded and set up by over 5K users and the most recent stable update was on Sep 6, 2016. The tool has the average rating 4 on Google Play.
This application shows ads. Download the .apk setup package of Malayalam Ottamoolikal 1.1 that is free of charge and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size is 3 MB and the app is built for Android 4.0 and higher. The antivirus report indicates that the app is totally safe.