Tabata Timer for HIIT

Tabata Timer for HIIT

12 MB
Requires Android:
5.0 and up
Jun 29, 2019
Latest version:
Free Download

The Tabata Timer is an easy to use app for high intensity interval training It helps you to do Tabata Training. Features: Configurable preparation, workout and rest durations. Configurable number of cycles and tabatas Clear time display. Multiple display colors. Customizable background music. Record your daily workout history and track performance.

It's free of charge to get the .apk file of Tabata Timer for HIIT and you can read users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installer requires 12 MB of free space to run on Android 5.0 and higher. According to the antivirus report, the app doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. Simple Vision is the developer of this application which can be found in the Health & Fitness category.

The tool was downloaded and set up by over 1M users and the most recent stable release was on Jun 29, 2019. Tabata Timer for HIIT has the average rating 4.7 on Google Play. There are adverts in the app.

Samsung and LG users download this application quite often.

As users see it, the tool boasts such strong sides as an easy UI, lots of functionality and auto updates. Some users state that you can notice banner ads and a battery drain among the disadvantages of Tabata Timer for HIIT.


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