This app shows how your phone's hardware handles multitouch. Multitouch Test allows you to find out the multi touch capabilities of your device. It supports up to 20 pointers Each touch pointer is visualized with a colored circle
According to the antivirus report, the app is safe and secure. Jpjoyjp has designed Multitouch Test that falls into the Libraries & Demo category. The overall user rating of the tool is 4.4.
This application was downloaded and installed by over 100K users and the most recent stable release was on Jul 26, 2015. The app has adverts. Get the free .apk file of Multitouch Test 6.2 and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The installer takes up 930 KB of disk space and it can be launched on Android devices 2.1 and above.
The way users see it, the main disadvantage of the app is ads everywhere.