Athanotify is Islamic prayer time and qibla direction, islamic hijri calendar application, Athanotify allows you to know Islamic daily prayer times and Qibla direction, in addition to a table prayer times weekly and monthly. Athanotify display prayer times and the remaining time of the next prayer in beautiful and distinctive manner. And beautiful widgets.
It's free of charge to get the .apk file of Athanotify and you can have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installation package requires 4 MB of free space to run on Android 4.1 and higher. The security report reveals that the app is safe. El cheikh is the official developer of this application that can be found in the Lifestyle category.
Over 1M users set up the tool and its most recent update was launched on Jun 10, 2017. Athanotify has the overall rating 4.6 on Google Play. The app is often downloaded by Samsung and HTC users.
Some users are of the opinion that this application boasts such strong points as an amazing UI, customizable features and great performance. Based on the users’ opinions, the main disadvantages of the tool are interface problems, inappropriate ads, constant notifications and a battery drain.