Crochet, pronounced as krowshey, is a technique of creating a piece of fabric using yarn and a crochet hook. The word crochet is derived from a French word which means a hook. If you know knitting, then learning crocheting will be easier as it is similar to knitting; The only difference between the two is that in a crochet only one loop is active at a time. Afghans Stitch.
The antivirus report indicates that the app is totally safe. DIY Crochet Tutorial is designed by troxoapps and its category is Lifestyle. Users rated the tool 4 on Google Play.
Over 100K users downloaded and set up this application and the latest release was on Aug 18, 2016. There are adverts in the app. It's free to download the .apk file of DIY Crochet Tutorial and you can check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installer requires 7 MB of free space to run on Android 1.6 and above.