

15 MB
Requires Android:
4.4 and up
Sep 24, 2020

Beautiful Stickers to make your messages special. Add humor and poetry to your everyday messages: I miss you, I think of you, I love you, How are you, Good morning, Good night…: 20 beautiful sticker categories. Stickers and witty captions can be added with a single touch to your Messenger and WhatsApp messages.

Emoji Guide is the developer of this application which belongs to the Personalization category. The latest update was on Sep 24, 2020 and the app was downloaded and installed by over 1M users. According to the latest data, Stickers+ is rated 4.7 on Google Play.

There are in-app purchases and ads in this application. Samsung and Lenovo users like the app. A free .apk installation package of Stickers+ 2.1.0 can be downloaded from Droid Informer and you can check out users' reviews on this site. Prepare 10 MB of free space on your device for this app installer and keep in mind that it runs on Android 4.4 and above.

The antivirus report shows that the app is safe.

The way users see it, you can find such a drawback of this application as too many ads.


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