NEW: Get the full luxury look! We now buy and sell scarves, sunglasses, belts, fashion jewelry, and more. Rebag was created to ensure every bag you own is a bag you love. Shop the world's most coveted handbags, and move on from unwanted baggage the second you're ready. BUY: Shop thousands of handbags from 50+ designer brands, including Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, and more.
According to the antivirus report, Rebag is safe and secure. The tool has been originally developed by TRENDLY INC. and it is related to the Lifestyle category. On Google Play, this application has been rated 3.9 by its users.
Over 50K users downloaded and set up the app and the latest release was on Oct 2, 2020. Download the free .apk file of Rebag 5.4 and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installer requires 46 MB on disk and it can be launched on Android devices 5.0 and higher.
According to the users’ reviews, you can find such an advantage of the app as a beautiful design.