Medical Dictionary by Farlex gives you free, instant access to 180, 000+ definitions of medical terminology and more than 12000 images from sources trusted by doctors and healthcare professionals, including McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin, and more.
Download the .apk installer of Medical Dictionary by Farlex 1.0 that is absolutely free of charge and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application setup package requires 29 MB to be successfully installed. The app is compatible with Android 4.1 and above. The antivirus report indicates that this application is completely safe. – Farlex has developed the tool that lies within the Medical tools category.
The latest update of Medical Dictionary by Farlex was released on Sep 22, 2020 and the app has been set up by over 100K users. The overall rating for this application is 4.5 on Google Play. Pay attention to the important moment: advertisements are a part of the tool and it offers in-app purchases.
Medical Dictionary by Farlex is often downloaded by Samsung and Lenovo users.
Users leave reviews stating that the weak point of the app is horrible ads.