Acapella from PicPlayPost

Acapella from PicPlayPost

56 MB
Requires Android:
4.4 and up
Jul 12, 2016
Latest version:
Free Download

This is a BETA version. When you press "Record a new video" for the very first time, you will be prompted to calibrate the app for your device to improve synchronization. Please go to a quiet room for the calibration and avoid external sounds/noises. You can also calibrate your device from the Info "i" menu.

Mixcord Inc created the app that lies within the Music & Audio category. Over 100K users downloaded and installed Acapella from PicPlayPost and the latest release was on Jul 12, 2016. The tool has the overall rating 1.8 on Google Play.

There are in-app purchases and advertisements in this application. Get the latest .apk file of Acapella from PicPlayPost 0.9.30.g_g free of charge and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. You will need 56 MB of free disk space to install the app which is built for Android 4.4 and higher. The antivirus report has confirmed that the app is completely safe for usage.

From the users' point of view, the plus of this application is the simple interface. Based on the users’ reviews, there are some drawbacks, they are syncing issues and ads every time.

Permissions required by Acapella from PicPlayPost v. 0.9.30.g_g

Those that potentially access the user's/ your sensitive information:
  • Access the Account Service list
  • Get a network access to the approximate location
  • Access microphone
  • Capture photos and videos
Commonly used:
  • Save files to external storage
  • Access data stored on external storage
  • Prevent device from going to sleep


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