Advanced Spectrum Analyzer PRO

Advanced Spectrum Analyzer PRO

415 KB
Requires Android:
3.0 and up
Jan 4, 2017
Latest version:
All versions
Free Download

Advanced FFT Spectrum Analyzer is a real-time powerful audio tool to visualize and analyze signals from android device microphone in frequency domain. Features: FREE. FFT resolution up to 2. 7Hz! 44100 hertz and 48000 hertz sampling frequencies. Peak finding. Input source selection

Wojciech Czaplejewicz is the developer of Advanced Spectrum Analyzer PRO which can be found in the Music & Audio category. The tool was downloaded and installed by over 0,5M users and its most recent stable update was on Jan 4, 2017. Users rated this application 4.3 on Google Play.

You are able to download the installation package of Advanced Spectrum Analyzer PRO 2.1 for free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app requires Android 3.0 and above. The download of the app doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware.


Burt - 7 years ago

Great application and display. Only two problems. I wish it would remember its last parameter setting. I've had my phone time out in the middle of watching for something. When I wake up my phone, even moments later, I find that the parameters have returned to the default settings. I wish I could toggle one or both marker lines on or off from the marker buttons on the top. Where to grab the marker line to change its frequency position is not clear. Quite often it moves the entire SPAN. I'm using a Samsung Note IV.

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