Do you love the mix music? You want to listen the powerful and charismatic music. This is the app for you! This application is developed with the following key features: Listening DJ mix music online with latest collection of tracks. You can add songs to your favorite playlist to be able to listen later easily.
The tool is designed by Mixtapes Music, Free Music and its category is Music & Audio. This application was downloaded and installed by over 1M users and the latest stable release was on Oct 1, 2018. The app has the average rating 4.5 on Google Play.
Take into account its terms of use since there are in-app purchases and adverts. It's free to get the .apk file of DJ Remix Dance Music and you can have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installer requires 6 MB of free space to work fine on Android 4.1 and higher. The app has been scanned for viruses and it has been found totally secure.
Some users point out that this application features such a disadvantage as many ads.