Music Player

Music Player

1.7 MB
Requires Android:
4.0 and up
Aug 16, 2016
Latest version:
All versions
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Quick search all music and audio files, Easy to support all music & audio file formats, with powerful equalizer. The most easiest Music Player phone. Please enjoy the high-quality mobile music playback experience. Key features: Automatically detect the music files in your phone, and add to song list;

Download the latest .apk file of Music Player 1.7.0 for free and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. You will need 2 MB of free disk space to install the app which is built for Android 4.0 and above. According to the antivirus report, this application doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. The tool is designed by Leopard V7 and its category is Music & Audio.

Over 1M users downloaded and set up Music Player and its latest release was on Aug 16, 2016. Google Play displays that the app is rated 4 by its users. Advertisements are a part of this application.

Samsung and Motorola users highly appreciate the tool.

As users indicate, Music Player boasts such strong sides as a good UI and outstanding performance. According to the users’ comments, you can notice such a disadvantage of the app as too many ads.

Permissions required by Music Player v. 1.7.0

Those that potentially access the user's/ your sensitive information:
  • Access phone state without changing it
  • Access microphone
Permissions rarely used in Music & Audio:
  • Access the current list of running apps
  • Create a shortcut in Launcher
Commonly used:
  • Save files to external storage
  • Alter system settings


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