Open FM Radio tuned in to you! Open FM is the biggest music platform in Poland. Our listeners can enjoy over 100 various music stations with over 2000 hours of music per day. Our stations are grouped in many categories: Favorites. Recommended. Party. Pop. Hip-Hop/R&B. Rock/Metal. Alternative. Electronic. Sports. For listening in cars. Other. Why download the application?
Download the .apk installer of Open FM 1.8.2 that is completely free and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application setup package requires 10 MB to be successfully installed. The app is created for Android 4.4 and above. The security report reveals that this application is safe. The tool was originally developed by Wirtualna Polska Media S.A. and it belongs to the Music & Audio category.
Open FM was downloaded and set up by over 1M users and the most recent stable update was on Oct 17, 2020. According to the latest info, the app is rated 4.3 on Google Play. There are advertisements in this application.
The tool is often downloaded by Samsung and Sony users.
Users write reviews pointing out that Open FM possesses such a disadvantage as ads everywhere.