Rajesh Vaidhya is a renowned Veena Player. As a versatile Veena Player, Rajesh Vaidhya has won the Kalaimamani award for his Veena playing too. Bringing you a varied collection of his classical compositions, here are a set of Rajesh Vaidhya's specially composed famous songs.
This application is totally safe to download. Abirami Apps is the developer of the app that can be found in the Music & Audio category. The most recent update was on Jan 11, 2019 and Rajesh Vaidhya was downloaded and set up by over 10K users.
On Google Play, the tool is rated 4.4 by its users. Keep in mind the important moment: advertisements are a part of this application and it provides in-app purchases. Get the setup package of Rajesh Vaidhya 1.11 free of charge and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app can be launched on Android devices 4.2 and higher.