This application has Text-to-Speech function. Read an input text aloud. Your terminal talks! Surely it will be it is fun, and to become the smile! Can change a language, pitch, rate. Can output a sound as a file. How to use. Start reading aloud after having input a text into the text-input field of the screen upper part when you push the "Speak" button.
This application is completely secure to download. is the official developer of the app that can be found in the Music & Audio category. The most recent update of the tool was released on Jul 13, 2013 and SmileTalker was downloaded by over 100 users.
This application was rated 4.1 on Google Play. You are able to download the setup package of SmileTalker 1.4 for free and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app runs on Android 1.6 and above.