Hey, what song is that? SoundHound makes it simple to discover music playing around you. It doesn't matter if you're at home, in your car, or anywhere else. Just open the app, hit the big orange button, and we'll tell you exactly what song is playing! Save your music journey.
The app is totally secure to download. SoundHound Inc. created SoundHound ∞ that falls into the Music & Audio category. The tool is designed for people aged 14 and older, its average rating is 4.3 on Google Play.
This application was downloaded and installed by over 0,5M users and the latest stable update was on Mar 29, 2019. Many users set up the app on their Samsung and LG devices. Download the installer of SoundHound ∞ 6.5.0 at no cost and read users' reviews on Droid Informer.
Users leave reviews saying that there are several advantages, they are a classic interface, great functionality and update notifications. From the users' point of view, you can find irritating bugs, slow performance, too many ads, a battery drain and a lack of support among the drawbacks of the app.