This app has been deprecated in favor of gStrings, which has recently been rewritten from scratch; With a multi-core optimized engine, improved fundamental frequency detection, smooth OpenGL graphics, a redesigned UX, and a simplistic/focused material UI. (!
According to the antivirus report, this application is safe and secure. is the developer of the app which can be found in the Music & Audio category. The average rating for Waves - Tuner is 4.1 on Google Play.
The most recent update of this application was released on Apr 5, 2018 and the tool was downloaded by over 0,5M users. The app is often downloaded by Samsung and HTC users. Download the .apk file of Waves - Tuner 1.0.2 free of charge and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installation package takes up 770 KB of disk space.
In users’ view, the app boasts such strong points as a clean interface, improved functionality and great support.