Malayalam News is a smart news app that organizes what's happening in the Kerala, India and world to help you learn more about the stories that matter to you. Gain access to an endless stream of news from all your favorite news sources with Top Story. Easy to access and you can easily select your Favuroite newspapers by using settings.
It's free to get the installer of All Malayalam Newspapers, also, you can read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app runs on Android 4.0.3 and higher. This application is totally secure for downloading. The tool is developed by appityy and its category is News & Magazines.
Over 50K users downloaded and installed All Malayalam Newspapers and the latest release was on Nov 9, 2018. People rated the app 4.2 on Google Play. There are ads in this application.
The statistics show that the tool is popular mostly among Samsung and Huawei users.