India's most respected News Channel Live India TV brings you its Android app. This app for News in Marathi, allows you to go deep into the various sections so that your web experience can be replicated here, on the move. Keep abreast with the latest news stories, videos and photos on your device with the Live India TV app.
Quaint Media Consultant Pvt. Ltd. is the creator of the app that belongs to the News & Magazines category. The latest update of the tool was released on Feb 9, 2016 and Mi Marathi was downloaded by over 50K users. Google Play displays that this application is rated 4.1 by its users and can be downloaded by people aged 10 and older.
Panasonic and Samsung users highly appreciate the app. Take the opportunity to download the .apk setup package of Mi Marathi 1.8 free of charge and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The installation package requires 4 MB on disk and it runs on Android devices 3.0 and above. According to the antivirus report, the app doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware.