Cute Wallpapers will set the perfect cheerful mood for you every day! These sweet wallpapers feature soft, pretty prints that will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside! Full of fun prints and pastel colors, these wallpapers are simple and relaxing. From classic polka dots and watercolor stripes to hearts and flowers, these wallpapers are innocent and fun!
The security report shows that this application is totally safe. Leafgreen is the developer of the app which is listed among the Personalization category. Over 100K users downloaded and installed Cute Wallpapers and its latest release was on Sep 26, 2020.
Users rated this application 4.3 on Google Play. There are ads in the app. It's free to download the .apk file of Cute Wallpapers and you can have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installer requires 13 MB of free space to run on Android 4.1 and above.