Get ready for Easter with cool zipper lock screen app! In this awesome app you will find 6 Easter themed wallpapers that you can set as your zipper screen lock! Zipper lock screens free for boys and girls alike now come with beautiful Easter wallpapers! Place colorful eggs as you lock screen wallpaper now! Easter is almost here!
The antivirus report shows that this application is totally safe for usage. Best Live Lock Screen is the developer of the app which can be found in the Personalization category. Easter Zipper Lock Screen has been downloaded and set up by over 0,5K users and the most recent update was released on Jan 17, 2017.
The overall rating for this application is 4.9 on Google Play. There are ads in the app. It's free to download the .apk setup package of Easter Zipper Lock Screen and you can have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installer requires 20 MB of free space to work fine on Android 4.0.3 and higher.