Holylight theme for APUS

Holylight theme for APUS

4.5 MB
Requires Android:
4.1 and up
Sep 20, 2020
Latest version:
Free Download

This theme is only compatible with APUS Launcher for now, so you need to install APUS Launcher if you didn't. APUS Launcher, a light-weight and intelligent Android Launcher, is the flagship product of the APUS User System, which delivers an intuitive user experience to 200 million users worldwide. It anticipates your need and surpasses your expectations.

According to the antivirus report, this application doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. APUS Personalization is the developer of the app that is listed among the Personalization category. The latest release was on Sep 20, 2020 and Holylight theme for APUS was downloaded and set up by over 10K users.

Google Play shows that this application is rated 4.5 by its users. The app shows advertisements. It's free of charge to download the .apk setup package of Holylight theme for APUS and you can read users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installer requires 5 MB of free space to work fine on Android 4.1 and higher.

Permissions required by Holylight theme for APUS v. 5125.0.1001

Commonly used:
  • Prevent device from going to sleep
  • Create a shortcut in Launcher
  • Set the wallpaper


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