My Signature represents an intuitive gesture based signature platform that allows you to create your own create signature on Android phone. You can make your creative signature with 400+ colors with Awesome font. We have used landscape mode to serve better. Functionalities: Pen: Do signature. 300+ colors for Pen. 300+ colors for Signature Pad Background. Clear signature pad.
My Signature is totally safe for downloading. This application is created by iswift and its category is Personalization. The latest update was on Sep 27, 2020 and the app was downloaded and installed by over 10K users.
Users rated My Signature 3.9 on Google Play. Advertisements are a part of this application. You are able to download the installer of My Signature 4.0.1 for free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app requires Android 4.3 and above.