Add a Heart sticker and cute pictures! We prepared a lot of Heart stickers. Let's put a Heart sticker on the picture with friends of friends. Let's put a Heart sticker on the picture of a cute child. Let's put a Heart sticker on the photo with your favorite lover. Popular iPhone apps. In Apple 's AppStore it became 1st place in the category ranking 4 days after release.
The app is developed by ANDG and its category is Photography. The developer released a new version of the tool on Aug 14, 2019 and over 100K users downloaded and installed For heart stickers, My Heart Camera. This application was rated 4.1 on Google Play.
Some in-app purchases and advertisements are included into the app. It's free of charge to get the .apk file of For heart stickers, My Heart Camera and you can read users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installer requires 25 MB of free space to work fine on Android 4.0 and above. The app was scanned for viruses and it was found 100% safe.