GIF Maker - GIF EDITOR - VIDEO TO GIF - GIF TO VIDEO, SCREEN SHOT TO GIF, GIF TO PICTURE, CONTROL GIF, easy way to create GIF from your video, multi images. Share your GIF for everyone by FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GIPPHY, IMGUR, INSTAGRAM, WHATSAPP. Some feature have in application: Cut video, crop video before create GIF. Add over 200 image to create GIF. Edit your GIF before save.
This application has been checked for viruses and it has been found totally secure. The app is created by Kayak Studio and its category is Photography. On Google Play, GIF Maker was rated 4.3 by its users.
The developer released a new version of this application on Nov 13, 2018 and over 5M users downloaded and installed the tool. In-app purchase items and ads can be found in the app. Download the free .apk file of GIF Maker 1.1.3 and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The installation package occupies 24 MB of disk space and it runs on Android devices 4.1 and higher.
Users leave reviews pointing out that there are several benefits, they are a user-friendly interface and useful features. From the users' point of view, the main disadvantages of the app are too many ads and spam notifications.