7 Weeks

7 Weeks

Simplest Habit and Goal tracking
5.7 MB
Requires Android:
6.0 and up
Oct 3, 2020
Latest version:
Free Download

Championing positive habits, one day at a time. 7 Weeks is the simplest habit and goal tracker, helping you to develop a new habit or break a bad habit. Based on "the X effect" method of completing goals, 7 Weeks creates a compounding strategy of focusing on one day of your habit/goal at a time, building streaks that become more & more difficult to break.

This application has been checked for viruses and it has been found totally safe. The app is designed by 7 Weeks and its category is Productivity. Google Play shows that 7 Weeks is rated 4.3 by its users.

The most recent update was on Oct 3, 2020 and the tool was downloaded and set up by over 0,5M users. The statistics reveal that this application is popular mostly among Samsung and Motorola users. You are able to get the .apk setup package of 7 Weeks 3.2.1 for free and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This file size doesn't exceed 4 MB and the app runs flawlessly on Android 6.0 and higher.

As users see it, you can benefit from the strong points of the app that are an awesome user interface, simple functionality and excellent customer support. From the users' point of view, you can find such a disadvantage of this application as constant ads.

Permissions required by 7 Weeks v. 3.2.1

Commonly used:
  • Prevent device from going to sleep


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