Scan a barcode and link it to a note. Scan the code again and the app opens the note in Evernote. Features. Online sync of your links. Automatically adds books information. 13 supported formats including QR code. Useful for. Saving information about products. Managing books or collections. Organizing documents. Supported formats. Ean 13. Ean 8. Upc a. Upc e. QR Code. Pdf 417.
This application is completely secure for downloading. The app was originally created by Desaxed Studio and it refers to the Productivity category. The overall rating for Barcode Notes is 4.1 on Google Play.
The most recent update of this application was released on Jul 20, 2016 and the tool has been set up by over 10K users. Download the installation package of Barcode Notes 1.3 that is absolutely free of charge and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app can be launched flawlessly on Android 4.0 and above.