Cache Cleaner helps you to clear application cached files. This app can free more spaces, helps anyone who has memory management issues and get more available storage back. Feature. Clear all app cache. One click to clear all widget. Sort apps by cache size or name. Easy to use.
The antivirus report shows that the tool is safe. Xllusion is the developer of this application that is included in the Productivity category. The most recent update was on Jun 18, 2014 and the app was downloaded and set up by over 100K users.
The average rating for Cache Cleaner is 3.4 on Google Play. There are advertisements in the tool. Nokia and Samsung users like this application.
Download the latest .apk setup package of Cache Cleaner 1.0.3 for free and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. You will need 532 KB of free disk space to set up the app which is designed for Android 2.3.3 and higher.