احسن لوحة مفاتيح في كتابة العبارات العربية بسرعة وبدقة. هذه لوحة المفاتيح العربية ستعمل مع أي برنامج مثل الفيسبوك، سكايب، وهلم جرا. كل العبارات المشهورة و الايات القرأنية. تثبيت لوحة المفاتيح بسهولة. The ultimate in writing Arabic phrases quickly and neatly. This Arabic keyboard will work with any program such as Facebook, Skype, messenger, viper and so on.
The app is completely safe to download. IslamicKeyboard has been originally created by usama fatah and it belongs to the Productivity category. Over 10K users downloaded and set up the tool and the latest update was on Jan 2, 2016.
This application was rated 4 on Google Play. You are able to download the setup package of IslamicKeyboard 2.0 for free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app requires Android 3.0 and higher.