QR & Barcode reader (Secure)

QR & Barcode reader (Secure)

1.7 MB
Requires Android:
2.3 and up
Feb 5, 2014
Latest version:
Free Download

This application is a QR and Barcode reader that does not require personal information details, unlike most other scanner applications. If you don't want to give permissions to read Contact and History Bookmarks, then this is going to be the secure QR and Barcode reader of your choice.

According to the antivirus report, this application doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. Red Dodo is the creator of the app which can be found in the Productivity category. Over 0,5M users downloaded and set up QR & Barcode reader and the latest update was on Feb 5, 2014.

On Google Play, the tool was rated 3.9 by its users. There are advertisements in this application. Samsung and LG users highly appreciate the app.

Get the free .apk file of QR & Barcode reader 1.03 and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The installer occupies 2 MB on disk and it runs on Android devices 2.3 and above.

Some users think that you can notice such a plus of the app as a great interface.

Permissions required by QR & Barcode reader (Secure) v. 1.03

Those that potentially access the user's/ your sensitive information:
  • Capture photos and videos
Permissions rarely used in Productivity:
  • Create a shortcut in Launcher
Commonly used:
  • Save files to external storage
  • Prevent device from going to sleep


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