Keep track of events to your weekly schedule efficiently and simply. It lets you view your events, meetings and appointments by day, week. Manage your program simply. Don't miss your times. Follow course schedule on school. Learn the next lesson and how many minutes left to break? Thanks to this app, you can manage your schedule simply. Free and no ads.
Bitlink is the developer of the app that can be found in the Productivity category. The developer rolled out a new version of the tool on Sep 15, 2020 and over 10K users downloaded and installed Timetable. The overall user rating of this application is 2.9.
It's free of charge to download the installation package of Timetable, also, you can take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app works fine on Android 4.0.3 and above. The download of the app is 100% secure.
The way users see it, the obvious drawback of this application is app bugs.