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My kids can no longer scan toys. Anyone knows how to fix this issue?
Updated from the old app. New one does not allow me to scan toys or play the Mario game (or any of the older games). My grandson is very disappointed.
Piece of shit doesn't do anything but disappoint my son
My son likes the green arrow toy and the option to scan and play games with it isn't even on the mcplay app! He was so disappointed! How come some of the toys aren't on the mcplay app.
It doesn't do anything.
Toy will not scan on my son's LG tablet. The outline does not fit the toy. Is there anyway this can be more sensitive?
Won't scan the white screens while scanning.
My McPlay toy won't scan.
I love this game.
I like it.
The worst app ever! Do not waste your time.
Scan is worthless. A cool idea if it actually worked. Slow to load, not very responsive, and can't even scan toys, so disappointed. Uninstalling.
Toys don't scan. Huge disappointment.
Scan does not work. Terrible! My kid is very unhappy and so am I. Shame on McDonalds. No more Happy Meals for us. So frustrating.
Doesn't work. That's it and that's all.
Remote control car)
Go to the game vault when it opens, click on the peanut one. It will ask you to scan or use power points. I clicked on the scan toy and it worked every time. I hope this helps!