Play Single Player or Online Multiplayer! Experience the thrill and challenge of high speed rally racing! Push your driving skills to the limit as you race against the clock, compete against challenging AI opponents, and race in special challenge events. DRIFT: Drift around corners for speed or just for pure fun. NITRO BOOST: Hit your nitro boost and reach extreme speeds.
Rally Fury has been originally developed by Refuel Games Pty Ltd and it is included in the Racing Games category. The latest update was on Oct 2, 2020 and the game was downloaded and set up by over 50M users. The average score for this application is 4.4 on Google Play.
Take into account its terms of use since there are in-app purchases and advertisements. You can get the .apk installation package of Rally Fury 1.48 free of charge and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size doesn't exceed 93 MB and the app runs flawlessly on Android 4.1 and higher. According to the antivirus report, the app is safe and secure.
As users mention, the strong point of this application is excellent performance.