Buy and sell clothes, shoes, makeup & more with Mercari - it's completely FREE! Explore the marketplace for unmissable deals for new and used items and sell in just a few easy steps. Save money on new makeup, sell your used clothes or discover unique vintage fashion. Shopping marketplace Mercari lets you list items for FREE and doesn't hide any costs. Come on in!
Mercari, Inc. is the developer of Mercari Shopping that refers to the Shopping category. The tool was downloaded and set up by over 100K users and its latest stable update was on Mar 4, 2019. This application has the average rating 4.4 on Google Play.
Get the free setup package of Mercari Shopping 5.23 and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app runs on Android devices 5.0 and above. This download is completely secure.
As users mention, you can benefit from the strong sides of the app which are a good layout and great support.