Wayfair offers a zillion things home. Shop the largest selection of home furniture and décor across all styles and price points. Explore unique and exclusive products, or shop for the best bargain through our daily sales on everything from bedding sets and curtains to desks, pillows, and tables.
A free .apk installation package of Wayfair 5.14 can be downloaded from Droid Informer and you can take a look at users' reviews on this site. Prepare 19 MB of free space on your device for this app installer and keep in mind that it runs on Android 6.0 and above. The antivirus report shows that the app is completely safe for usage. Wayfair, LLC is the developer of this application that can be found in the Shopping category.
The latest release was on Nov 19, 2019 and the tool was downloaded and installed by over 10M users. Users rated Wayfair 3.4 on Google Play. Samsung and LG users highly appreciate the app.
As users state, the major benefits of this application are a nice design, its great cost and great functionality. Users write reviews saying that you can find usability issues, advertising notifications, constant notifications and buggy freezes among the disadvantages of the tool.