Fantasy Clicker

Fantasy Clicker

22 MB
Requires Android:
2.3 and up
Aug 31, 2016
Latest version:
Everyone 10+
Free Download

Fantasy Clicker is a game where every click helps to beat a new monster! Click all the monsters. Tap all the mega-bosses. Hire the helpers. Improve your power. Develop your talents. Pass more than 2000 levels. An army of ancient proto-monsters is threatening to the humanity! Only you can stop them!

The app has been scanned for viruses and it has been found totally safe. RonoVanBono is the developer of Fantasy Clicker which is listed among the Simulation Games category. The game is not recommended for users under the age of 10, it is rated 4.6 on Google Play.

This application has been downloaded and set up by over 100K users and the most recent release is dated Aug 31, 2016. There are in-app purchases and ads in the app. Take the opportunity to get the .apk installation package of Fantasy Clicker 1.2.3 free of charge and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installation package occupies 22 MB on disk and it can be launched on Android devices 2.3 and higher.

Some users suggest that the app has the following drawbacks: money issues and video ads.

Permissions required by Fantasy Clicker v. 1.2.3

Those that potentially access the user's/ your sensitive information:
  • Access the Account Service list
  • Access phone state without changing it
Commonly used:
  • Save files to external storage
  • Prevent device from going to sleep


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