Firework Victory Day Simulator. Winning Days Fireworks Simulator - a game simulator joke, where you can play on your phone as a fireworks display. The game uses animation and sound for a more realistic effect! Use our secure on holiday fireworks and holiday Victory Day will be held great! Meet the holiday with firecrackers fun! Make fun and play your friends and loved ones!
Firework Victory Day Simulator is developed by iApps And iGames and its category is Simulation Games. The most recent update of this application was launched on Jan 24, 2017 and the game was downloaded by over 0,5M users. The app was created for people aged 14 and older, users rated it 3.4 on Google Play.
Get the free .apk setup package of Firework Victory Day Simulator 2.1 and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installation package requires 24 MB on disk and it can be launched on Android devices 2.3 and higher. The security report shows that the app is safe.