Michael Flerov is the official developer of Секреты шпиона в ВК which can be found in the Social tools category. The most recent update of the app was released on Jul 11, 2017 and this application was downloaded by over 1M users. Google Play shows that Секреты шпиона в ВК is rated 4.4 by its users.
Pay attention to its terms of use because there are in-app purchases and adverts. Samsung and Sony users like this application. Get the latest .apk file of Секреты шпиона в ВК 1.3.9 for free and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. You will need 15 MB of free disk space to set up the app that is designed for Android 4.0.3 and above.
The security report reveals that the app is totally safe.