Building & crafting fantasy kingdom! Exploration adventure full of magic in blocky cube world! Epic quest for survival! Exploration sandbox experience. Become pixel prince or princess, king or queen! Legendary mage or warrior! Embark on this epic Exploration adventure of sword and sorcery and craft your legend!
Crafting And Building Games For Girls Adventure is the developer of Fantasy Craft which can be found in the Strategy Games category. Over 1M users set up the game and its most recent update was launched on Nov 19, 2019. This application is suitable for users aged 10 and older, it has the overall rating 4 on Google Play.
Ads are a part of the app. A free .apk file of Fantasy Craft 1.22-minApi19 can be downloaded from Droid Informer and you can read users' reviews on this site. Prepare 56 MB of free space on your device for this app installer. The security report reveals that the app is safe.