1 Tap Shot Pro. Now it's free. 1-TapShot is the best quick shot Android camera app! With this app taking photos is as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. Find your target. 2. TAP on icon. 3. And you're done. All captured photos will be saved into gallery under 1TapShot Pro folder.
The antivirus report has confirmed that 1 TapShot Pro is totally safe for usage. Woorey Mobile is the creator of this application that can be found in the Tools category. On Google Play, the app is rated 2.3 by its users.
Use the opportunity to download the .apk installer of 1 TapShot Pro 1.1 for free and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The installer takes up 951 KB on disk and it runs on Android devices 2.2 and higher.