Calculator2K contains large set of functions. Also, you can always add your own functions. Comparison operations allow creating piecewise functions. Supported by assigning a value to a variable (x ← 28), so you can use this value to other parts of the expression. Supported by characters of sums (∑) and products (∏).
The download of this application doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. The app is developed by Konstantin Musikhin and its category is Tools. Google Play displays that Calculator 2K is rated 4.8 by its users.
Over 10 users downloaded and installed this application and its latest release was on May 23, 2014. Get the installer of Calculator 2K 2.8 at no cost and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app works flawlessly on Android 3.0 and above.