Smart and automation help you to save all content of call recorder, including incoming and outgoing call and save it in SDCard. Let you don't forget or miss any content of calls. Our features: Auto recording your income and outgoing calls. User could choose which call that want to keep or not on every phone call ending.
According to the antivirus report, this application doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. DB2 Ltd. is the developer of the app which can be found in the Tools category. Call Recorder Pro has the average rating 3.9 on Google Play.
This application has been downloaded and set up by over 100K users and its latest update is dated May 26, 2014. Advertisements are a part of the app. A free .apk installation package of Call Recorder Pro 1.7 can be downloaded from Droid Informer and you can read users' reviews on this site. Prepare 966 KB of free space on your device for this app installer and keep in mind that it works fine on Android 2.1 and higher.