Convert is designed as a conversion calculator but will also be useful as an ordinary calculator (non-scientific in present version). Convert can convert from and to combined units such as: 3 pounds AND 5 ounces. Kilograms. 6 metres. Feet AND inches. 0. 73 hours. Minutes AND seconds. 16. 2 litres. Gallons AND pints. Categories of units include: Length. Weight. Volume. Time.
This application is completely safe for downloading. SoftSid is the developer of the app which can be found in the Tools category. Convert was rated 4.6 on Google Play.
The most recent release was on Mar 15, 2016 and this application was downloaded and installed by over 50 users. Take the opportunity to download the installer of Convert 1.0.1 free of charge and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app is created for Android 4.1 and higher.