This app will allow you to monitor your dyndns. org and no-ip. com dns hosts. It offers you to view your local IP current IP remote IP and then allow you to manually update the remote IP with your local IP Address or the IP address of your choice by clicking on Local IP.
Meesa is the developer of this application which is listed among the Tools category. The app was downloaded and installed by over 10K users and its most recent stable update was on Oct 12, 2013. Google Play displays that Dynamic Dns Updater is rated 3.7 by its users.
The statistics show that this application is popular mostly among Samsung and Sony users. Download the latest .apk setup package of Dynamic Dns Updater 2.5 for free and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. You will need 217 KB of free disk space to install the app which is created for Android 2.2 and higher. The app has been scanned for viruses and it has been found completely safe.