This calculator performs basic time calculations using AM / PM notation. It takes three values as input: Start Time, Elapsed Time, and Finish Time. You provide any two of those values and the app computes the remaining one. It operates on a 12-hour clock, so you specify AM or PM for the start and/or finish time and the app determines AM or PM as necessary in the result.
It's safe to download this application. My Turn Software is the official developer of the app which can be found in the Tools category. EZ Time Calculator was downloaded and set up by over 1K users and its most recent stable release was on Oct 5, 2020.
Google Play displays that this application is rated 4.2 by its users. Download the setup package of EZ Time Calculator 1.06 that is absolutely free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app can be launched flawlessly on Android 2.3 and above.