This app provides PDF rendering capabilities to Floating Apps and doesn't work alone. However, it's necessary for Floating PDF Viewer and Floating Document Viewer to work correctly.
Floating Apps was checked for viruses and it was found 100% safe. LWi s.r.o. is the developer of this application that is related to the Tools category. The latest update of Floating Apps was launched on Aug 17, 2018 and the app has been installed by over 100K users.
According to the latest data, this application is rated 4 on Google Play. A lot of users set up the app on their Samsung and Sony devices. Get the .apk file of Floating Apps 2.1 at no cost and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The installation package occupies 12 MB on disk and it works flawlessly on Android 4.1 and higher.