This is the legacy product. Please download the new free one at GO Keyboard! GO Keyboard is the most popular keyboard in the Google Play! GO Keyboard can let your type faster and smarter. It is a must-have for your daily digital life! GO Keyboard offers 10000+ personalized themes for you! For more GO Keyboard information, please go to.
It's secure to download GO Keyboard Remove Ads. GOMO Dev Team is the creator of this application that is listed among the Tools category. The overall user rating of the app is 3.
Over 10K users downloaded and set up GO Keyboard Remove Ads and its most recent update was on Mar 19, 2013. This application is often downloaded by Samsung and HTC users. Download the latest installer of GO Keyboard Remove Ads 2.0 free of charge and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app is designed for Android 1.6 and above.
Some users have noticed that the app boasts such strong sides as the best layout and useful features. Some users have noticed that you can find such a drawback of this application as annoying ads.